Because the Meeting 1 Companion Survey and Worksheets from Meetings 2 and 3 are still open, no one has analyzed the results from these meetings, however, there has been some demand to see the preliminary results, so below you will find links to pdf files, besides the fact that we have not had a chance to look at these results, some are incomplete, tests, or duplicates, keep that in mind when reviewing.
Preliminary Results: Companion Survey 1 - there are a few testing results here that have not been deleted. Due to the confusion, especially at the beginning, many are incomplete and some may be duplicates, this will lead to misleading percentages. Worksheet Meeting 2 - several incomplete worksheets, question format contributes to mutually exclusive answers which have not been accounted for, possible duplicates which have not been edited out (or combined if able to confirm) Worksheet Meeting 3 - several incomplete worksheets, question format contributes to mutually exclusive answers which have not been accounted for, definite duplicates which have not been edited out (comments will be combined once confirmed) We want to hear from YOU! If you have not yet taken these worksheets, we encourage you to do so! It is helpful for most of these to look over the pdf slides from the accompanying meeting, slides and worksheets for each meeting can be found on the Meeting Materials page. These worksheets will help inform what Candler Park Residents want for the future of their neighborhood whether we become a historic district or not! Comments are closed.
Help fund this initiative by making a donation for this effort through the Candler Park Neighborhood Association, a 501(c)3 organization.