In the coming months the Historic Designation Committee will be actually defining a potential Candler Park Historic District based on ALL the input we have received thus far. Aaron Fortner is reviewing the recent Worksheets about various regulatory topics we discussed at the recent Community Meetings and if/how those could be addressed in draft regulations. We will also engage the City staff in our first draft of potential regulations so that when we bring the first draft to the neighborhood for review and input, it will be a realistic plan. Proposed boundaries and a historic period will be defined as well. The committee and Aaron will present drafts to the neighborhood for review. Further discussion and input both online and in public meetings will likely result in several rounds of revisions.
Ultimately, the Neighborhood will vote on whether or not to submit the final draft of a Candler- Park-specific Historic District to the City. Right now we hope to vote on submitting a proposed historic district, the end of Phase II, between August and October. Why are we still talking about this?? The goal of this phase of the conversation is to get to a point where we have a Candler-Park-specific Historic District proposal to vote on. Because no two historic districts are alike, and Atlanta's take on historic district has evolved significantly in the last few years, the end product may not be what one expects from the idea of a "historic district." For that reason we encourage everyone to keep up with the progress we are making as we as a neighborhood to draft a potential plan for our neighborhood's future! Updates will always be posted here, through CPNO Meetings and You can also sign up to be on our mailing list as well. Comments are closed.
Help fund this initiative by making a donation for this effort through the Candler Park Neighborhood Association, a 501(c)3 organization.