CPNO members voted in March to support moving forward with “a 10–14 month inclusive process to engage Candler Park residents and work with a consultant to define and draft proposed regulations for a potential Candler Park Historic District.” The result of the vote was 62% in favor with a record 239 members voting. To engage the neighborhood as thoughtfully and as thoroughly as possible, the Committee is raising money for a third-party consultant, Aaron Fortner, to continue to lead this process over the coming months. Aaron’s expertise in planning, historic designation, and working with communities is incredibly valuable to us. He also worked with Candler Park in 2013 to create the Candler Park Master Plan and has been working with the neighborhood and the Historic Designation Committee since spring 2022 on the first phase of education and engagement. The Committee has a fundraising goal of $35,000, based on Aaron Fortner’s $29,000 estimate for his time working with the neighborhood through the end of this project. It is, obviously, important and responsible to have dedicated funds to pay Aaron for his work. In order to carry out the tasks voted on in March: We are asking for CPNO to donate $5,000 with an additional donation of up to $15,000, matching funds raised by the Committee. The Committee is committed to raising $15,000. The initial $5,000 donation will ensure the committee has sufficient funding for the first few months of active engagement (Community Meetings) while the Committee continues to fundraise -- CPNO would only match what the Committee can raise with a limit of $15,000. This funding will enable us to achieve the goal set out in March’s vote and the Committee's commitment to having a thorough and inclusive conversation about a Candler Park-specific historic district.
What will we get out of this? Aaron Fortner's estimate includes his leading 6 total Community/Public Engagement Meetings, working with the committee and drafting and revising regulations based on neighborhood feedback. The end product will be a document of proposed regulations for a potential Candler Park Historic District. This document will define a potential Candler Park Historic District that the neighborhood can then review and vote on. Does CPNO have the money to donate? CPNO is fortunate to have funds to back projects and initiatives that are important to our neighborhood and that the Membership supports. At the July CPNO meeting, the treasurer’s report noted that, excluding Fall Fest 2023 activity, there is over $108K in the CPNO bank account. What will happen if CPNO does not contribute to this Phase of the project? The committee will have to reassess. While the committee is confident we can raise $15,000 from individuals, it may be difficult for the all-volunteer committee to raise the full $35,000. Unfortunately this would mean that we may not be able to fulfill the commitment we have (per the March 2023 vote) of engaging the neighborhood in a thorough and thoughtful discussion of potential historic district designation. Financial Notes: To date, the historic designation initiative has been funded with over $9,000 donated by individuals and $6,000 from CPNO. The Committee is asking CPNO for a $5,000 donation to make sure we have money to get started, with a commitment of up to $15,000, which will match funds that the Committee will raise. Funds raised have been and will continue to be used to pay our consultant. Other costs, such as those donated by committee members, are not being reimbursed. The charts below were presented at the July CPNO Meeting. Comments are closed.
Help fund this initiative by making a donation for this effort through the Candler Park Neighborhood Association, a 501(c)3 organization.